Neighborhoods surrounding Middle Tennessee State University have some of the greatest numbers and highest concentrations of renters in the county, data from the U.S. Census Bureau show.
Renters in these neighborhoods also tend to be relatively younger, especially in the two contiguous tracts immediately east of campus, where people under age 35 make up about 70 percent of those who rent their homes.
Household incomes range from about $19,000 and $31,000 annually – low for a county in which the median household income for renters is about $41,000. Their gross rents, which, running between medians of $672 and $915, fall in the mid to low range for the county, nonetheless take up medians of between 30 and 38 cents per dollar of their household incomes, relatively high for the county.
Source data: 2015 American Community Survey, U.S. Census Bureau